Browse and search through our collection of homebrew spells.
Name ↑ | Level | School | Casting Time | Components |
Animate Dead Swarm | 7 | Necromancy | 1 minute | V, S, M (a handful of grave dirt) |
Arcane Consumption | 4 | Abjuration | 1 action | V, S |
Arcane Devastation | 9 | Evocation | 1 action | V |
Arcane Leech | 1 | Necromancy | 1 action | V, S |
Arcane Severance | 8 | Abjuration | 1 action | V, S, M (a silver dagger worth at least 500 gp) |
Backblast | 8 | Evocation | 1 action | V, S |
Crushing Sphere | 5 | Evocation | 1 action | V, S |
Desert's Embrace | 8 | Transmutation | 1 action | V, S, M (a vial of water from a desert oasis) |
Desert's Touch | 6 | Transmutation | 1 action | V, S, M (a pinch of sand) |
Ectoplasmic Web | 3 | Conjuration | 1 action | V, S, M (a bit of spiderweb soaked in ectoplasm from the Ethereal Plane) |
Essence Drain | 6 | Necromancy | 1 action | V, S, M (a small vial of blood from a spellcaster) |
Ethereal Chain | 4 | Conjuration | 1 action | V, S, M (a tiny chain) |
Ghostly Step | 6 | Transmutation | 1 bonus action | V |
Haunting Echoes | 4 | Evocation | 1 action | V, S |
Mage-Slayer's Curse | 3 | Enchantment | 1 action | V, S, M (a torn page from a spellbook) |
Necrotic Orb | 3 | Necromancy | 1 action | V, S |
Netherese Binding | 5 | Abjuration | 1 action | V, S, M (a small silver chain worth at least 100 gp) |
Phaerimm's Vengeance | 9 | Necromancy | 1 action | V, S, M (a gemstone worth at least 5,000 gp, which the spell consumes) |
Phantasmal Terrain | 3 | Illusion | 1 action | V, S, M (a stone, twig, and bit of green plant wrapped in a strip of silk) |
Power Word Blind | 6 | Enchantment | 1 action | V |
Spectral Chains | 2 | Evocation | 1 action | V, S |
Spectral Orb | Cantrip | Evocation | 1 action | V, S |
Spell Fangs | Cantrip | Evocation | 1 action | None |
Spirit Guardians of the Elders | 7 | Conjuration | 1 action | V, S, M (a holy symbol and a relic from an ancient warrior) |
Wail of the Banshee | 6 | Necromancy | 1 action | V |
Weirdshield | 7 | Abjuration | 1 action | V, S |